Interpreting the Sinque dial
Onboarding takes about 14 days if you’re measuring 3-4 times per week. After this, your Sinque dial will appear every time you open the app. The dial predicts your weight trend for the coming 2 weeks, indicating if you will maintain, lose or gain weight. The more the dial skews to the left or right, the faster the weight gain or loss.
Working with the Sinque dial
Because of many behavioral factors, such as hydration, bathroom habits, medication, sleep, and stress levels, our weight is constantly in motion. And adopting healthy habits will not only affect your weight today, but also your weight trend in 2 weeks. The Sinque dial helps you manage this.
The Sinque dial helps you better understand the effects of your daily habits and make informed decisions about your health goals. Your health provider will assist you in making lifestyle adjustments to support your progress.
Two of the most significant drivers of our weight, and thus our Sinque dial, are nutrition and exercise. Therefore, if you want to change the direction of your Sinque dial, this is a good place to start. Your health provider will offer information about exercise and a balanced nutrition plan. Adhering to this plan will significantly impact the Sinque dial, and your progress.
Weight progression and plateaus
Losing weight all the time is not realistic. Our body is complex, and sustainable weight loss is a long journey during which it undergoes various stages, and is different for each individual. Some may lose a lot of weight at the start, for others it may take longer. It is not a linear progress.
It is normal for the body to adjust to a new weight after a phase of weight loss. During this phase, your body weight will be consistent for a while. This is called a ‘plateau’. Plateaus can be challenging, as it can take from a few days to a few weeks or longer for your body to adapt to your new weight. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this stage will help you transition from your plateau to weight loss again.
Your health provider will help you recognize a plateau, and support you during this part of your journey. Looking for a health professional to work with? Click here.
For more information:
Learn more about how Sinque works
Learn more about installing and onboarding with Sinque
Learn more about using GLP-1 medication
Learn more about nutrition and GLP-1 medication
Learn more about exercise and GLP-1 medication Ask another question